Cultivation Guide for Guangdong Black-Skin Wax Gourd Variety Series

Cultivation Guide for Guangdong Black-Skin Wax Gourd Variety Series

1, Sowing Time and Selection of Varieties

The cultivating pattern of Guangdong black-skin wax gourd is usually by shelf or letting the vines spread on the ridge ground. The black-skin wax gourd is fond of fertilizer and water. For the Winter and Spring cultivation, the sowing time is from early November to middle or late December, and harvest from middle March to early April next year. For Autumn cultivation, the sowing time is in July, and harvest from October to November. It is suggested to choose the varietites such as Guangdong Black-Skin Wax Gourd, Guangdong Precocious-Quality Black-Skin Wax Gourd, and so on.

2, Culture of Strong Seedling

2.1, Preparation of Nutrient Soil

For the cultivation in Winter and Spring, it usually comes across low temperature weather, the culture of seedling is done in nutrient bag or plate. Pay attention to the strict disinfection when prepare the nutrient soil. The organic manure should be finished and sieved. Mix evenly according to the ratio strictly. The ratio of soil, manure and grain ash is 6:2:2, to prevent injuring roots.

2.2, Soaking and Sprouting

Because of the thick shell, the wax gourd seeds absorb water slowly, pay attention to the sprouting method. The concret method is as follow. Soak the seeds in 50-60 degree centigrade water for 10-15min, stir when soaking. When the water temperature reduces to room temperature, continue to soak for about 10-12h, and then packed with gauze for spinning. Put the seeds under 25-30 degree centigrade for sprouting. The seeds begin sproutting in 48h. If the temperature is low, the sprouting speed will be slow. There are something which should be paid special attention to. Befor the sprouting of seeds, scrub the seeds with clear water once a day, to get rid of the mucilage on the seed surface, so as to prevent the seeds from mildewing and rotting. After sprouting, sow them into the seedbed or seedling pot, and pay attention to watering until the seedlings germinate. After germination, pay attentio to the protection against cold, control moisture properly to promote the growth of root. In normal situation, the seedlings can be tranplanted in 25-30 days. Before transplanting, supply once rare fertilizer and water, and spray pestcide to prevent diseases, for fear of bringing the diseases to the field, resulting in difficult prevention and control.

2.3, Planting Density

For cultivation with shed, the planting density is 150cm by 80cm, cultivating about 3600 plants per acre, and 2400-3000 plants for groundling cultivation. Pay attention to shade the melons for protection for groundling cultivation.

3, Preparation of field and Supply of Base Manure

3.1 Selection and Preparation of Field

It’s better to select the loam soil which is not gourd-preceding, with well drainage and rich organic fertilizer to cultivate on. The width of plot is about 1.8m, including ditch. The direction is better by north to south.

3.2, Supply of Base Manure

The fertilizer requirement of wax gourds is in high quantity, so the base manure should be supplies adequately. Supply 9000-12000kg of organic manure, 300kg of peanut bran, and 300kg of calcium phosphate, per acre.

4, Field Management

4.1, Transplanting

When the seedlings grow out 2-3 pieces of main leaves, they can be transplanted. The planting distance is 80cm in Spring, and 60-70cm in Autumn. Transplant one row each plot.

4.2, Fertilization

Pay attention to fertilize reasonably and by stages. The fertilizing rule is: lightly and rarely in early stage, and heavily and thickly in late.

In the early stage, manure rare dropping or 60kg of urea and 120kg of compound fertilizer per acre for 1-2 times. When the vines grow to be 1m long, supply 120-180kg of compound fertilizer per acre. When the vines grow to be 1.5m long, supply 120-180kg of compound fertilizer, conbined with 3000kg of farm manure and 360kg of bean cake per acre. After the stability of fruit setting, continuely fertilize for 3 times, once in 5-7 days, fertilize heavily. Each time supply 180kg of compound. Generally 15 days before harvest, stop fertilization.

4.3, Pruning and Pressing of Vines

Generally, when the chief vines bear melons, the side vines should be pick off in time. Pick off all the side vines before melon setting. Before spread onto shed, twist the vine within planting distance, and press the vines in every 3-4 nodes, totally 3-4 times, to promote the forming of adventitious root. Lead the vines onto shed by the 16th-18th node. The shed buidling methods includes shelfing and drum-stand. The drum-stand is common in Guangzhou areas. Use 3-4 stickers of bamboo to build the drum stand, and crossarm a stick of bamboo on top as the root. When the gourd grows to be 1.5-2kg weight, use hemp rope to hitch the gourd stalk and tie on the root. After fruiting, top removal from the 15th node.

4.4, Reserving of gourd

Generally from the 25th-32th node, the 3th-4th female flower on chief vines is the best choice for reserving. When comes into bad weather in fruit setting period, pollinate in the early morning to improve the fruit setting rate, or treat by PCPA. The young gourd which is chosen should be in columnar shape, uniformed from top to bottom, with broad and flat shoulder and round and abtuse top, and with fuzz in whole body, brightly. After choosing, all the other young gourd should be picked off in time.

5, Control of Disease and Insect Pest

The main diseases include fusarium wilt, blight and anthracnose diseases. Use 800 times of chlorothalonil, 500-800 times of thiophanate, or 3000 times of 95% hymexazol for control. The major insect pest is thrips, from late July to September when the temperature is 25-30 degree celsius, the damage is the most serious. Prevention and treatment must be promptly done by spraying 1000 times of Bataan, 400-800 times of Dimehypo, 6000-10000 times of 20% imidacloprid EC, or 2500 ~ 3000 time of 5% efficient imidacloprid, once in every 5-7 days. The pesticide should be used interchangeably.

6, Harvest

40-60 days after fruit setting, when the gourd skin is brightly in dark-green color, they can be harvested. If the harvest is too late, the nutirent of the gourd will transform, and will impact the quality for eating. The harvest should be in timely to improve economic benefits.



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