Cultivation Guide for Choy Sum Variety Series

1, Requirements of Circumstance Condition

1.1, Temperature

The choy sum will develops successfully when the mean temperature of month is 11-28 degree celsius, but the range of proper temperature is different for different growing period. For germination and seedling stage, the proper growing temperature is 25-30 degree celsius, and under this temperature it only takes 5-7 days from germination to unfold of cotyledon, and 9-11 days from the exposure of main leaf to the unfold of the 5th main leaf, taking 14-18 days for the whole seedling stage. The gowing period of leaf is from the 6th leaf to bud stage, taking about 10-21 days. From the flower-bud appearing stage to flowering-stalk forming stage, the proper temperature is 15-20 degree celsius. The temperature in early period is better to be higher, to promote the plant into vegetative growth, and better to be reduced step by step when come to the  reproductive stage to benefit the formation of flowering-stalk.

1.2, Illumination

The time of sunlight do not notedly impact the appearance of flower bud and blossom, but adequate ilumination will benefit the accumulation of assimilating substance and promote the formation of flowering stalk.
1.3, Fertilizer and Water
The fertilizer and water have close relations with the formation of flowering stalk, especially around the appearance of flowering bud, the abundance of fertilizer and water will benefits the formation of flowering stalk. After the main flowering stalk in formed, supply fertilizer and water timely, to promote the formation of side flowering stalk, prolong harvest period and increase yield.

2, Time and Mode of Cultivation and Selection of Variety

2.1, Cultivation Season and Mode

In northern areas, for cultivation in sunlight greenhouse in Spring and Winter, and plastic high tunnel, it is intercropped with cucumbers, tomatoes and other main crops, and also can be cultivated alone in shed room, more commonly in suburb near big city such as Beijing and Tianjin. For open field, it is mainly cultivated from Spring through Fall. In southern areas, using the collocation of early, middle and late maturity varieties, and supported by facilities, it can be cultivated all year round and supplied evenly. For the Yangtze River valley, select early maturity variety to sow directly in open field from Apr. to Aug., with 35-40 days of growing period, and enter market from May to Oct. It’s better to select middle maturity variety from Spet. To Oct., harvested in 40-50 days after sowing and supply for market from Oct. to Jan, next year. From Nov. and Dec. to May next year, sow separately step by step, harvested in 45-55 days after sowing and enter market from Dec. to Apr. next year In succession.

2.2, Selection of Variety

The varieties of Choy Sum fall into early maturity ones, such as No. 49 Sweet Choy Sum and Short-Foot 45-Days Choy Sum, middle maturity ones such like Oil-Green Thick Choy Sum and Selected Oil-Green Choy Sum, and late maturity ones like Green-Treasure Oil-Green 70-Days Choy Sum and Big Oil-Green 80-Days Choy Sum.

3, Selection of Field and Management of Seedling Stage

3.1, Selection and Preparation of Field.

The Choy Sum is more fertilizer-resistant, select loam or sandy loam which has fertile soild and is rich in organic substance to cultivate on. Before sowing, plough the field deeply and sun the ridge, supply adequate base manure, prepare field carefully to make the surface of ridge in turtle shape, without big holes and crack. Generally, the ridge is 1.5-1.7m wide including ditches, and 20-30cm high.

3.2, Cultu

re of Strong Seedling

Both direct sowing and culture of seedling are suitable. The seedbed should be ploughed deep and sun to white, supply organic manure mainly, and assisted by fertilizer. Supply fertilizer mainly by base manure, assisted by top dressing. Each acre supply 6000kg of organic manure, and 60kg of calcium-magnesium-phosphate fertilizer, as base manure. When the first main leaf unfolded, top dressing thinly. Top dressing 1-2 times in seedling stage. Control seedling stage in 12-25 days.
For direct sowing, using strip planting or broadcasting, more applied in high temperature and rainy season. In the Autumn, Winter and low temperature of early Spring, the culture of seedlings is more common. Broadcast 2.4-3.0kg of seeds per acre, with 20-30 days of seedling stage.

Because the early and middle maturity varieties are sensitive to temperature and develop speedy, attention to prevent early maturity in seedling stage. The late maturity variety is more strictly requires temperature. Sow on time, to benefit the plant to turn into reproductive growth in time. Meanwhile, the quantity of sowing seed is different. For Autumn and Winter culture of seedling, each acre costs 2.4-3.0kg of seeds, and is increased to 3.0-4.5kg in Spring and Summer. After germination, thin the seedlings in time when the cotyledon starts unfolding. Accompanying with growth, thin for 1-2 times. As to enlarge standing area, thin seedlings by the distance of 14cm when there are 4-6 pieces of leaves for thin early maturity variety, by distance of 16-17cm when there are 6-8 pieces of leaves for middle maturity variety, and by distance of 20cm when there are 6-8 pieces of leaves for late maturity variety. Timely top dressing and watering. Generally when the first main leaf unfolds, top dressing once, and pay attention to the adjust and control of temperature and humidity. It's suitable for transplanting when the seedling outgrows 4-5 pieces of leaves. Therefore, the seedling stage should not be over 12-20 days in Summer and Autumn,  and are suitable be 18-25 days in Winter.

4, Field Management

4.1, Covering of Shading Net

The shading net can be used for cultivation of choy sum in Summer and Autumn. Cover with cooling gauze after sowing , to play a part in moisturizing, and preventing plant from burning by high temperature and soil from hardening, so as to benefit germination, trim seedlings and full standing. Remove the shading net promptly after germination to prevent excessive growth. If the cultivation is in high temperature and rainy season, for to avoid adverse weather from impacting the growth of choy sum, uncover the shading net after germination, and raise it to be 80-100cm high to build up small flat shed to fight against heat and rainy, properly covered for 10-15 days. If for transplanting after culture of seedling, cover for 5-7 days after transplanting. Must avoid covering for whole growing period. It is better to choose shading net which has 45% of shading rate and is in silver-grey color.

4.2, Management of Fertilizer and Water

For early maturity and oil-green choy sum, as the plant grows speedy with short growing period, it is suitable to supply adequate base manure. Generally, supply 9000-12000kg of pig manure or 4500kg of fowl manure, and 120-180kg of compound fertilizer per acre, mixed with soil fully. Top dressing in growing period in time. The top dressing is mainly by quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer in early period, and assorted with phosphate and potash fertilizer in middle and later period, so as to benefit the increase of yield and quality. To promotion of seedling, water once thin liquid dung or 18-30kg of urea per acre in the first main leaf. Aling with thining in trefoil stage, top dressing by 6000kf of 20% human dropping, or 30kg of urea mixed with 60kg of compound fertilizer per acre, and top dressing once each week until 8 days before harvest. Top dressing 3-4 times in whole growing period. When manuring, avoid dropping fertilizer on flower bud to prevent from causing rotten bud.

5, Harvest

When the flowering stalk grows to be or almost be in the same level with plant leaf, harvest in time. The timely harvest will increase the quality and yield. For early maturity variety, if only to harvest chief stalk, the harvest node should be in the base of the talk. For middle and late maturity variety, as the side bud germinates easily, reserve 2-3 pieces of leaf when harvest chief stalk for the germination of side stalk. It’s better not to reserve too many leaves, otherwise the side buds will germinate too many to keep thick stalk and quality. The shape standard of high quality flowering stalk is that: thick flowering stalk, thin node, less and thin leaf, and beginning of flowering on top.

6, Control of Disease and Insect Pests

6.1, Disease

The main diseases includes anthracnose , soft rot and virus diseases.
6.1.1, Anthracnose Disease
In early attacking period, supply 1500 times of 50% sporgon WP, 800 times of 80% thiram(ziram) WP, or 600 times of 70% thiophanate methyl WP for 2-3 times in 7-10 days of interval.
6.1.2, Soft Rot Disease
Use 800 times of 3% Zhongshengmycin SP, or 4000 times of 72% agricultral streptomycin SP in the early attacking period. Control for 2-3 times in 7-10 days of interval.
6.1.3, Virus Disease
In early attacking period, spray 600 times of 3.85% bingdubike aqueous solution (0.1%ribavirin+1.25%copper sulfate +0.1%triacontanol AS), or 1000-1500 times of 1.5% zhibingling EC(1% dodecyl sodium sulphate+1.4%copper sulfate+0.1%triacontanol WP)  for control.

6.2, Insect Pests

The main insect pests includes yellow striped flea beetle, diamondback moth, cabbageworm, Spodoptera litura, and so on.
6.2.1, Yellow Striped Flea Beetle
Use 1500-2000 times of 40% chlorpyrifos EC, or 1000-1500 times of 45% malathion EC, to spray from outer around to center field.

6.2.2, Diamondback Moth
In the acme of second age larva, spray 1000 times of BT WP and 3000 times of Spinosad EC, or 3000 times of 1.8% abamectin EC, or 1500 times of 20% chlorfenapyr EC for control. The pesticide mentioned should be used alternately.
6.2.3, Cabbageworm

In the hatching acme of egg, use 1000 times of BT WP to spray for control. In the acme of low age larva, spray 2500-5000 times of 2.5% 



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