Cultivation Guide for Cabbage Mustard /kalian Variety Series

1, Sowing Time

Timely sow. For cultivation in open field, sow 6 times a year. Arranging sowing time within the best developing and benefit period, is one of the main ways to achieve high benefits. For Spring cultivation, sow directly generally from Feb. to Apr., and cover with tunnel after sowing, harvest from middle Apr. to Hun. For Summer cultivation, sow directly from May to Jul., cover with shading net after sowing, and harvest from Jul. to Sept. For Autumn cultivation, sow from Aug. to Oct. for transplanting after culture of seeding. High quality and yield can be achieved for best sowing period. Harvest from middle Oct. to Dec. For winter cultivation, sow from Nov. to Jan. next year, keep warm by tunnel, and transplant after culture of seedling, and harvest from Jan. to Apr.

2, Cultivation Seasons and Selection of Variety

For most areas, when the soil temperature is stably above 8-12 degree celsius, the seeds con be sown. Different varieties can be selected to be cultivated all year round when kept warm or shaded by tunnel.

For Spring sowing, it is suggested to choose varieties such as ZY All-Season Sweet Chinese Mustard, Chenghai Thick All-Season Chinese Mustard, and so on.

For Summer sowing, it is suggested to choose Zhengyuan Big-Stalk Yellow-Flower Chinese Mustard, CH Thick Chinese Mustard and so on.

For Autumn sowing, it is suggested to choose CH Thick Chinese Mustard, Gold Thick No. 400 Chinese Mustard, Big-Stem Yellow-Flower Chinese Mustard, Big-Stem Mushroom Chinese Mustard and so on.

For Winter sowing, it is suggested to choose Big-Stem Late-Flowering Chinese Mustard, Big-Stem Mushroom Chinese Mustard, Gold Thick No. 400 Chinese Mustard and so on.

3, Cultivation Technology

3.1, Sowing Method and Quantity of Seeds

The seeds can be sown directly, but transplanting after culture of seedling is used more commonly. For seedbed, it is better to choose loam soild which has well capability in keeping water and fertilizer. For early cultivation, as it is always be impacted by high temperature and rains, pay attention to the condition of drainage. In addition, preventing the damage by aphid is the key step to reduce virus diseases and achieve high yield.

Generally, sow directly from Jan. to Jan. and harvest in 40 days after sowing. From Jul. to Dec., transplant after culture of seedling, with 15-25 days of seedling stage and about 40 days from setting to harvest. The planting density should be arranged according to the change of climate. Generally, when the temperature is in 10-20 degree celsius, the planting distance is 10cm y 15cm, each plant weights about 50-100g. when the temperature is 15-25 degree celsius, the planting distance is 15cm by 20cm, each plant weights about 100-200g. And when the temperature is 20-32 degree celsius, the planting distance is 20cm by 25cm, and each plant weights about 200-400g.

3.2, Preparation of Field, Supplying Base Manure and Setting

Plough deeply and sun the soil to finish the soil. The ploughing depth is about 27cm. The Chinese Mustard requires abundant fertilizer for growth. For base manure, supply 120kg of calcium superphosphate, 120kg of Potassium Chloride, 6000kg of finished fowl dropping, 150kg of compound fertilizer and 300-420kg of beanbut cake per acre. Dig ditch and make ridge, and level field. The ridge is about 1.3-1.6m wide and 0.13-0.17m high, levelled. Transplanting and setting when the seedling outgrows 5-6 pieces of leaves. The planting density is about 24000-30000 plants per acre.

3.3, Field Management

3.3.1, Management of Seedling
The seeds will germinate in 2-3 days agter sowing. Thin the seeldings in 7-8 days after germination by the distance of 10-13cm. After thinning, supply immidiately 12000-15000kg of 20% thin liquid Dung per acre. 15-25 days after germination, transplant by the distance of 16-25cm.
3.3.2, Management after Setting
After recovering from setting, top dressing early, frequently thinly of fertilizer and water. If the leaf is brightly oii-green color with less wax powder, it is the normal expression. If the leaf is in mattly light-green color with more wax powder, it is the expression of lack of fertilzer and water, the fertilizer and water should be supplied adequately in time. For the whole growing period, the humidity of soild should be kept in about 80%-90%, to abtain thick stem with tender leaf, improve commodity quality and to increase yield. The differences of yield and thickness of stem are huge according to the factors changes of planting distance, season climate, temperature and fertility. Therefore, the cultivation should be on time and in suitable mode according to the local situation, so as to achieve best benefit.

3.3.3, Fertilization
The top dressing should base on the different cultivation condition and the dynamic growing features of stem and leaf. From setting or survival from transplanting to the forming of the first blade ring when the temperature is high, top dressing for the first time. After the forming of the first blade ring, when stem start expand and the second and third blade rings are forming gradually, top dressing for the second time. Top dressing for the third time before the stem begins the mass growth. The fertilizer is mainly by organic manure, combined with inorganic nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate and potash fertilizer as base manure. The fertilization method is that, light in early period, heavy in middle period and supplemental fertilizer according to seedling in late period.

4, Control of Disease and Insect Pest

The main diseases includes virus disease, soft rot, downy mildew, black spot, etc. And the main insect pest includes yellow striped flea beetle, moth, spodoptera litura, aphids, vegetables borer, etc.

4.1, Virus disease

The control is mainly by preventing aphids. Spray 800-1000 times of 90% dimethoate for control.

4.2, Rot disease

After the harvest of main flowering stem, spray lime milk on cut(30% lime milk added in 20-30g hide glue).

4.3, Downy Mildew disease

Spray 750 times of 25% metalaxyl WP, or 500-600 times of 69% anke mancozeb WP. Spray alternately, once in 7-10 days, continue for 2-3 times.

4.4, Black Spot disease

At early disease stage, spray 500-600 times of 75% chlorothalonil WP, or 1500 times of 50% iprodione WP, once in 7-10 days, continue for 2-3 times.

4.5, Yellow striped flea beetle

Spray 1000 times of 90% trichlorfon for control.

4.6, Diamondback moth

In the 2nd instar larvae, spray 1000 times of bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) WP, 1500 times of spinosad EC, or 3000 times of 1.8% abamectin EC for control. The agents above should be used alternately.

4.7, Spodoptera

Spray 1000-1500 times of 47.5%chlorpyrifos and 4.75%cypermethrin EC for control.

5, Harvest

When the flowering bud starts expanding, harvest in time. The harvest can be done in order by the whole field or by class of plant size. It is suggested to harvest in order by the whole field for early maturity variety. The shape standards of quality flowering mustard is that: thick flowering stem, long internode, in oil-green color, fewer and thin flowering stem leaves, beginning of flower at top.



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