Perilla introduction--one of the most popular spice in the world

Perilla introduction--one of the most popular spice in the world

Perilla is a mint plant (Laminaceae Family), Perilla frutescens, growing in the hills and mountains of East Asia (mainly India, China, Japan, and Korea).  It has been spread around the globe during the previous century; initially it was desired as a decorative garden plant, but then it escaped cultivation; as an example, it now grows in spots throughout most of the Eastern and Midwestern United States, described as an invasive weed.  The plant has long been used as a source of herb materials for Chinese medicine
Perilla leaf is used to resolve the exterior and dissipate cold; In the modern Chinese Materia Medica, perilla leaf is categorized as a surface-relieving herb used for common cold and similar types of acute disorders that might involve stuffy nose, cough, and headache; it is  considered best for treating “wind-cold” type disorders, and is classified as pungent and warm.
It is very useful that we can cook it as food,or eat it as herb and medicine.

Perilla Seed
Perilla seed is classified among the herbs for alleviating cough.  Like the leaf, it is pungent and warm in nature.  Its effect on cough is attributed primarily to its ability to cause uprushing qi (also described as qi “counterflow”) to descend.  Thus, as with the leaf and stem, the seed of perilla has important effects on qi circulation.   Because of the mild nature of perilla seed

Perilla is an annual herb, strong growth potential, good disease resistance, its roots, stems, leaves and seeds can be used as medicine, young shoots with specific aroma, for seasoning seasoning and vegetable consumption, is an excellent export Vegetables, tall 40-90 cm, leaflets opposite, leaf blade broadly ovate or rounded ovate, 7-11 cm long, 4.5-16 cm wide, base rounded or broadly cuneate, apex acuminate or caudate, The opposite is all purple, a specific aroma, Sauvignon, can be used as sprouts and edible leaves, is an important raw material for Japanese and Korean cuisine.

Perilla food is easy making and good taste and special faror.It is good for our health.



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