
目前显示的是 五月, 2017的博文
Hello,everyone!Here are part of Suntoday  product video for u view!Any intersted in pls contact suntodayseeds@gmail.com
 Carrot seceltion by machince!It can wash it ,ship it ,and secelt the uniform . This machine use less persons,it is effective. U can see how uniform the carrot is and it is red and good taste,Good for shipppent! Then worker load it on the car and ship it all over the world. There is more careful shippment way is by carton.

Carrot package and shippment process!

Carrot harvest time!Farmer are busy at collect carrot out and packed it for shippment. U can see all the carrot are very beautiful ,red ,uniform.High yield and production.From it u can see it is good taste too! Uniform carrot ,thin,red,not rail tail.Very popular among China and worldwide!
This is carrot seeds sowing machince which is vary popular and efficiency. It can sow the seeds average and each one/two seeds per pole. Carrot field test:Test carrot seeds's purity.Only high quality seeds that we can sell to the world! Carrot seeds harvest time.Many cargo one by one ,ship good carrot to all over China and worldwide! Carrot  field!There is much carrot seeds production field.Every year the harvest seeds will supply all China different place and worldwide!

Perilla introduction--one of the most popular spice in the world

Perilla introduction--one of the most popular spice in the world Perilla is a mint plant (Laminaceae Family),   Perilla frutescens , growing in the hills and mountains of East Asia (mainly India, China, Japan, and Korea).  It has been spread around the globe during the previous century; initially it was desired as a decorative garden plant, but then it escaped cultivation; as an example, it now grows in spots throughout most of the Eastern and Midwestern United States, described as an invasive weed.  The plant has long been used as a source of herb materials for Chinese medicine 。 Perilla leaf is used to resolve the exterior and dissipate cold; In the modern Chinese Materia Medica, perilla leaf is categorized as a surface-relieving herb used for common cold and similar types of acute disorders that might involve stuffy nose, cough, and headache; it is   considered best for treating “wind-cold” type disorders, and is